Professional Standards
Superior EMS employees are certified to the appropriate level as defined by the ​​​Paramedic Association of Canada's National Occupational Competency Profiles.
Due to a recent amendment to the Ambulance Act, our providers can no longer be called 'paramedics' as this title is now protected, and can only be used by employees actively engaging in work related activities with municipal ambulance providers. Superior EMS has adopted th term 'medic' in replacement to identify our staff. In addition our staff will be identified with Primary Care, Intermediate Care, Advanced Care, or Specialist on their ID tags as well as 2 bars or 3 bars on their epaulettes to distinguish their level of certification.
Superior EMS is an approved WSIB first aid and CPR training provider, and has developed and had our own program approved for delivery. Our instructors are certified internally utilizing an extensive instructor-development program as approved by WSIB.
All staff/management undergo an extensive background check to be employed with Superior EMS including:
Comprehensive Certification Verification
Clean drivers abstract
Criminal Records Check (Satisfactory to the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005)
Physical demands testing
Written and Scenario Testing to level of Certification
In addition to the pre-employment requirements, Superior EMS has an extensive ongoing continuing medical education training program for all staff including ongoing classroom learning, scenario based testing, and knowledge enhancement.
For more information on specific scopes of practice of our staff, please Click Here
Superior EMS' medical oversight program is similar to the MOHLTC "base hospital" program that provides important oversight and support services to the EMS services.
The medical oversight program is led by either a physician or nurse practitioner registered to practice in the Province of Ontario. The oversight program is responsible for overseeing the performance of controlled medical acts, the medical direction and quality monitoring of patient care provided by our employees. The programs function is also to ensure adequate ongoing continuing medical education is occuring in relation to the controlled acts our staff are able to perform.
The oversight program advise management on matters related to the delivery of pre-hospital patient care standards, and participate in a number of projects related to the expansion of EMS services and scopes.
To ensure that our clients are receiving the higest level of service in our EMS and training divisions we have adopted rigerous equipment and vehicle standards. All of our ambulance type vehicles are equipped to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care's ​​​Provincial Equipment Standards for Ontario Ambulance Services and Ontario Provincial Land Ambulance & Emergency Response Vehicle standards.
This involves rigorous equipment and vehicle maintenance on a routine basis, routine inspections on equipment, and immediate replacement and repair of any equipment identified as not meeting the standards.
Routine inspections are conducted by the quality assurance team to ensure that the equipment maintenance, inspections, and repairs are completed and to the highest standards.
Superior EMS training division maintains rigorous equipment maintenance standards including sanitization standards on mannequins and other course related equipment.
Superior EMS has appointed a Deputy Chief of Quality Assurance who acts as an independent authority within the company to conduct investigations into complaints, compliance to standards and professional related concerns. The Superintendent has autonomous authority to provide directives on the outcome of any investigation to ensure a level of independent authority outside of the command team. For more information on our complaints and investigations process CLICK HERE.
Superior EMS strives to provide the highest level of service delivery in our EMS, patient transfers and training division. In the rare circumstances that you are not satisfied with a service we have provided, we welcome you to contact us to discuss your concerns. We encourage you to have an informal dialogue with management to see if your concerns can be rectified without a formal complaint. However, if this is not possible, you may file a formal complaint, in writing:
Submit Here or by mail to:
Superintendent of Professional Standards
Superior EMS
PO Box 502
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
P6A 1Z0
**Superior EMS does not accept anonymous complaints. Your information will be required to conduct the appropriate investigation into your concerns.
Investigation Process
The initial intake of a complaint will be conducted by the on-call duty officer. Once the important information is obtained, the complaint is forwarded to the Deputy Chief of Professional Standards. He or she will conduct an investigation including:
taking statements
recording observations
conducting chart reviews
assessing equipment if required
Once the investigation is complete, he/she will produce a report, including recommended actions to the Command Team. The command team will then implement the actions prescribed by the Deputy Chief of Quality Assurance. This information is not provided to the complainant.
Complaint and Investigation Statistics:
Year EMS Division Patient Transfer Training Division
2023 0 0 1 *YTD Stats
2022 1 1 0
2021 0 2 1
2020 0 0 1
2019 0 1 0
2018 0 0 0
2017 0 - 0
2016 0 - 1
2015 0 - 0
2014 0 - 0
2013 0 - 0
2012 1 - 0
2011 0 - 0
2010 0 - 0
Superior EMS maintains records called Patient Care Records, of interactions our staff have with their patients. These records are protected under the ​Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and they cannot be released without the signed consent of the patient or a legal order compelling its production. If the patient is incapable of providing consent, a signed release can be provided by a guardian or appropriate legal representative of the patient.​
A record will include notes from the time the providers begin care until the time the patient is transferred into the care of another service, or discharged from our care.
The cost to obtain a copy of your patient care record is $250+HST per record. (each encounter is considered a record).
visit: ​
Superior EMS treats your personal health information with respect and sensitivity in accordance with the Ontario Personal Health Information and Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA) and any other laws we are required to follow. Superior EMS takes stesps to protect and secure your personal health information from theft, loss, unauthorized access, copying, modification, use, disclosure and disposal. Superior EMS conducts audits to monitor and manage our privacy compliance, and takes steps to ensure that all staff and everyone who performs services for us protects your privacy.
Superior EMS may need to collect your personal health information in order to provide you with programs and services. Superior EMS staff collects your personal information from you directly or a person acting on your behalf, as well as other sources if we have obtained your consent to do so or if the law permits.
Information collected may include your name, address, phone number, date of birth, OHIP number, health and health care history and information for payment for health care, when required for certain services.
We use and disclose your personal information: to assist, provide and support your health care including vital signs, health education, point of care testing, monitoring blood tests, and providing various treatments. To communicate or consult about your helath care with other providers when we are providing services to you, which could include your medical history, allergies, medications, diagnostic results, notes from other providers, and other information from our patient care records system. Your information may also be disclosed for quality improvement and patient safety activities, payment reimbursement, and to comply with any legal or regulatory requirements and fulfil other activities required or permitted by law.
You may access/or request that corrections be made to your records of personal health information, or withdraw your consent for some of the above uses and disclosures (Subject to certain legal obligations) by contacting our privacy officer.
For more information, or to discuss a concern, please contact our privacy officer:
Superintendent of Quality Assurance
Credentialling of Staff
Medical Oversight Program
Equipment and Vehicle Standards
Request for Information
Privacy of Information

As a key component of the provision of Event EMS, Patient Transfers, and Emergency Training Programs, quality assurance programs are key to ensuring compliance with relevant legislation, standards and procedures. Superior EMS is committed to not only meeting these requirements but exceeding them. As a result, we have a comprehensive quality assurance (QA) program that relates to our staff, vehicles, equipment, and programs.
Whileprivate EMS providers are not regulated by the Ambulance Act, Superior EMS is committed to providing services to the highest level. As a result, Superior EMS complies with all Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care standards related to certification of employees, equipment and vehicle standards, and patient care delivery standards.
Emergency First Aid and Standard First Aid programs delivered by our training division are governed by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Regulation 1101​.