Our Providers
Superior EMS is proud to provide comprehensive emergency patient care at community events by highly skilled and qualified staff. Our staff are trained and monitored by our medical oversight program.​​​​

Our medics has successfully completed an extensive training program to provide basic life support and has successfully completed a comprehensive examination. In addition, the medic must complete continuing education on an annual basis to maintain their qualifications. The medic is also certified by our medical oversight program to perform a number of controlled medical acts for individuals experiencing acute injury or illness. Our Medics must meet the Paramedic Association of Canada’s National Occupational Comptency Profile.
Scope of Practice
Acetaminophen for Pain
Ibuprofen for Pain
Topical Antibiotics
Aspirin (ASA) for Chest Pain
Benadryl (Oral) for Allergic Reactions
Epinephrine for Allergic Reactions
Gravol (Oral) for Nausea
Glucose for Diabetic Emergencies
Naloxone for Overdoses
Nitroglycrine (Patients Own) for Chest Pain
Ventolin for Respiratory Emergencies
Penthrox for Pain
Procedures & Controlled Acts
3-Lead ECG
Advanced Airways (King LT or iGel)
CPAP Therapy for Respiratory Emergencies
Defibrillation (AED)
Intravenous Access

Primary Care Medic
The Primary Care Medic has completed a program that involves classroom learning and clinical hours working directly in the field. In addition, the PCM must complete continuing education on an annual basis to maintain their qualifications. The PCM is also certified by our medical oversight program to perform a number of controlled medical acts for individuals experiencing acute injury or illness. Our PCM must meet the Paramedic Association of Canada’s NOCP for PCM.
Scope of Practice
Acetaminophen for Pain
Ibuprofen for Pain
Topical Antibiotics
Aspirin (ASA) for Chest Pain
Benadryl (Oral, Injectable) for Allergic Reactions
Gravol (Oral, Injectable) for Nausea
Epinephrine for allergic reactions
Glucose for Diabetic Emergencies
Naloxone for Overdoses
Toradol for Pain Management
Nitroglycrine for Chest Pain
Ventolin for Respiratory Emergencies
Penthrox for Pain
TXA for severe bleeding
PCPs may have additional drug approvals depending on further certifications completed.
Procedures & Controlled Acts
3-Lead ECG & 12 lead ECG
Advanced Airways (King LT or iGel)
Airway Suctioning
CPAP Therapy for Respiratory Emergencies
Defibrillation (Manual)
Intravenous Access
Intraosseous Access

Intermediate Care Medic
The Intermediate Care Medic has successfully completed an extensive training program to provide basic life support and has successfully completed a comprehensive examination. Additionally, the ICM has completed additional qualifications in Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Advanced Patient Assessment, Advanced Pharmacology, Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support, and More. In addition, the ICM must complete continuing education on a quarterly basis to maintain their qualifications giving them an extensive scope of practice. The ICM is also certified by our medical oversight program to perform a number of controlled medical acts for individuals experiencing acute injury or illness. Our ICM must meet the Paramedic Association of Canada’s NOCP.
Scope of Practice
Acetaminophen for Pain
Ibuprofen for Pain
Topical Antibiotics
Aspirin (ASA) for Chest Pain
Benadryl (Oral, Injectable) for Allergic Reactions
Gravol (Oral, Injectable) for Nausea
Epinephrine for allergic reactions and Cardiac Emergencies
Glucose for Diabetic Emergencies
Naloxone for Overdoses
Toradol for Pain Management
Nitroglycrine for Chest Pain
Ventolin for Respiratory Emergencies
Penthrox for Pain
Amiodarone for Cardiac Emergencies
Atropine for Cardiac Emergencies
Adenosine for Cardiac Emergencies
​TXA for Severe Bleeding
Procedures & Controlled Acts
3-Lead ECG & 12 lead ECG
Advanced Airways (King LT or iGel)
Airway Suctioning
CPAP Therapy for Respiratory Emergencies
Defibrillation (Manual)
Intravenous Access
Intraosseous Access
Advanced Care Medic

Our advanced life support medics meet the same standards as PCMs, and have additional education and training to perform a number of advanced procedures including needle decompressions, intubation, advanced cardiac life support, manual defibrillation, cardiac pacing, cardioversion, and have a more extensive drug list they can provide. Our ACM meet the standards of the National Occupational Comptency Profile of the ​​Paramedic Association of Canada.

Specialist Medic
Our Medic Specialist program provides additional scope of practice to our advanced providers, including the ability to provide on-scene technical support to high-risk situations, mass and complex patient events, and also have an expanded skill set including the ability to perform suturing, needle decompression, advanced assessment skills and clinical skills that may be utilized in disaster situations to assist medical personnel.
Although our command team members are identified by their ranks on their administrative uniforms, in the field they wear a standard uniform on a regular shift and wear their certification markers outlined below to ensure the public and other professionals responding to the scene are aware of their qualifications.
The only person wearing a different marking is in the event that there is a operations supervisor assigned to the shift. The field supervisor will be identified with a 2 maple leaf epaulette marker.
If you have any questions, or concerns during a shift, you are welcome to reach out to the field supervisor who can assist you.
Field Supervisor